Yahoo currently has a service Yahoo Answers are intended for Internet users with high curiosity and have many questions. Although the answers obtained from the users of the Yahoo Answers is not always beneficial, but use Yahoo Answers service is quite high.

Microsoft is now preparing a similar product that is intended to compete with Yahoo Answers. Services such competitors from Yahoo Answers has name of Bing Distill  . The Distill Bing page was now accessible to the public, but it is still in beta stage. And the Microsoft has not officially launched the new service to the general public.

Bing Distill, yahoo, microsoft,

The workings of this Bing Distill service was not much different with Yahoo Answers. And to participate in answering questions or ask a question, users must use the Bing Distill Microsoft account.

The presence of this kind of service from Microsoft is not the first time. Previously, they had launched a similar service called Windows Live QnA. Unfortunately, Windows Live QnA service is not running successfully.

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